Ridiculously Bad Behavior Poster Child

This is rude on every possible level! Thanks, Steven ( http://www.stevenhumour.com/)

Short Takes: Random Celebrities Behaving Badly

LAS VEGAS - Rap music mogul Marion "Suge" Knight was jailed Wednesday on assault and drug charges after he was accused of beating his girlfriend while brandishing a knife, police said. How come this doesn't surprise me?(read story)

Los Angeles (E! Online) - Mackenzie Phillips, former TV star, whose role on the hit CBS sitcom was derailed in the early '80s due to a nasty drug habit, was collared this morning at Los Angeles International Airport after allegedly trying to bring heroin and cocaine aboard an airliner. This is bad and sad. So, I will resist the urge to place a "One Day At A Time" joke here. (read story)

COLUMBUS, Ohio - Disappointed Neil Diamond fans will get a refund after attending a concert at Ohio State University in which the 67-year-old singer's voice sounded raspy. Come on, people, he's like 100. Give him a break! (read more)

The Unspoken Fear Of Black America

Reuters photo
For months since Barack Obama all but sealed the Democratic nomination for President, African-Americans wouldn't even discuss the fear. Bring it up and they quickly changed the subject.

Yesterday, however, the fear that Barack Obama's journey toward the White House could be derailed by violence inescapably bubbled to the surface. As news reports broke about the three men suspected of concocting a sinister plan to assassinate our arbiter of hope, black people across America were forced to face the suppressed trepidation that had silently tempered their hope.

Thanks to Tharin Gartrell, Nathan Johnson and Shawn Adolf, we can no longer ignore it. Their faces resemble those that have haunted the nightmares of black men for decades. They represent the faces of prejudice, ignorance and irrational hate. They symbolize the type of hate that induces men to head toward Denver with a stockpile of stolen guns and drugs allegedly on a mission to kill. Their suspected link to a white-supremacist group and lengthy criminal records come as no surprise.

As black people we know for sure that if there are three, there are more who wish ill upon the man who would be our first African-American president. There are thousands who, because of deep-seated intolerance, would rather elect a Christmas goose than a black man calling for change; and there are countless lost souls willing to kill and/or die to keep Obama's victory from happening. Our fear – no longer deniable – is warranted and real.

I hesitated to even blog about it, because I would much prefer to keep banishing all bone-chilling thoughts that there might be attempts on the presidential candidate's life to the background of my daily mental chatter.

I take solace in being sure that the best security money can by surrounds Obama. Every possible threat - both publicized and unpublicized - is curtailed quickly, I tell myself. I'm certain all I's have been dotted and all T's crossed for his historic acceptance speech Thursday at the open-air stadium, Invesco Field at Mile High. (Whose decision was that again?)

I keep these assurances at the forefront of my mind because anything else for me is unthinkable. I was not old enough to mourn first hand the loss of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. or witness the riots that followed his murder. I was not yet born when someone did or did not hide in a grassy knoll to assassinate John F. Kennedy.

Our nation recovered after those tragedies. If America lost Obama -its most tangible chance for hope and recovery- I question whether the resulting rupture the fabric of this country could ever be repaired. That may be our biggest fear of all.

Related stories:

Report: Suspect confessed to Obama plot - Denver Post

Armed men were no threat to Obama: U.S. attorney - Yahoo News - Reuters

No evidence of plot to kill Obama: justice official - AFP

Should Gang Bangers Be Whipped?

I'm back from a short break just in time to open up a "can" on the topic of school-sanctioned beat-downs. I had no idea kids were still being spanked in schools. Apparently rowdy pupils a getting their tushes tapped on a regular in the south. There's one major problem with this southern-fried corporal punishment policy.

A quarter of a million schoolchildren got (spanked) in 2007 — and black children, American Indians and kids with disabilities got a disproportionate share of the punishment, according to a study by a human rights group. (source)

Minorities are being whipped more than anyone in the south? Well, surprise! Surprise!

I grew up in the era of paddling in the Detroit school system. My class clown tendencies often overpowered the chronic rule following nature engrained in most cop kids. So, I managed to get a few paddlings in my day. I still remember the worst of them - the one in front of multiple classes during gym period. Mr. Barnes had a thick round paddle with holes in it that created a suction effect on your butt cheeks with each stroke. The loud boom echoed throughout the gym and reverberated down to my toes. The humiliation lasted much longer than the sting.

Before I had a child, I probably would have been one of those people who say, “There’s nothing wrong with corporal punishment in schools. I went through it and I turned out alright.” I remember the young American who was caned in Singapore some years ago for going over there and spray painting graffiti or something. Americans went nuts. When I found out that Singapore has like a zero crime rate, my thoughts were that caning might be the answer to our little gang problem here in the states.

Now, the thought of some random teacher dragging my daughter to the front of the class, bending her over and pounding on her little behind is unacceptable to me. Teaching is one of the hardest jobs in the world. Teachers are underpaid, underappreciated and stressed out. I personally don’t want anyone at the end of his or her rope from being hounded by bill collectors wailing away on my baby girl.

Further, there is no way to regulate or standardize the level of punishment. Of course, my gym teacher hit way harder than my science teacher, Ms. Williams, who was missing a middle finger. Some teachers in my day paddled kids for every giggle while others never paddled at all, making the school day even more of an emotional rollercoaster.

The reported racial disparity in the way punishment is doled out in southern schools illuminates a more serious problem. There is no way you can convince me that minorities and little boys need more whippings than anybody else. That plays into all sorts of dangerous stereotypes. These types of disparities can’t be rationalized or prevented under the current system. Most states, including Michigan and my current home state Illinois, wisely dropped the policy years ago.

My view is that corporal punishment should be the decision of the parent and taken care of at home. It should be administered, if at all, by the people who love these children unconditionally.

I still stand behind the caning for gang members idea though.

Adulterous Tendencies Matter: Would He Trade The Country For A Harem?

The Associated Press reported today on the impact of Edward's affair on his political future. The prognosis for recovery looks grave.

"No one in the Democratic Party would want to be publicly associated with him,"
said Merle Black, a political science professor at Emory University in Atlanta.
"Edwards is really damaged goods at this point." (source)
A friend and I had a heated debate over the weekend about the John Edwards, Kwame Kilpatrick, Bill Clinton, that Down-low former New Jersey governor, and (insert all other high-profile adulterers you can think of here) adultery scandals. We had a difference of opinion about how much of a political figure's personal life is really our business.

My friend could not understand why what a man does in the bedroom should affect his job, especially if it doesn't affect his job performance. He pointed out that if a politician is doing great things for the city, state or country, why should it matter that he has a chick on the side? Shouldn't he get credit for all the good he does? After all, Edward's reportedly has been a strong advocate for the poor. Isn't the affair between him and his wife, who says she knew and forgave him? (Yeah, they all say that in front of the cameras.)

For me, the bottom line is trust. I'd like to be able to trust my elected officials to do the right thing. Adultery, in any form, is a sign of weakness. It shows that a person is not able or willing to use sound judgment in the face of temptation.

These are people who stood before God and vowed to be faithful to their wives and families. If he can't do the right thing by his own wife and family, how can I expect him to have my best interest and the best interests of my family - people he has never met - at the forefront of his decision making? How can we be sure that when they stand on inauguration day, place their hands on the Bible and swear to do the right thing that - like on their wedding day - they are not telling a big, fat lie? How do we know that they won't go over to some foreign country and sell out America for a harem of virgins and a six pack of beer?

In most cases, I'm all for people keeping their dirty laundry to themselves. It is humanly impossible for me to care less about who the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker are sneaking around with. However, when your lust-and-stupidity-driven decision-making skills are crucial to the lives and livelihoods of hundreds, thousands or millions of people, including my family, it's my business.

I don't want to end up in poverty or at war because some idiot wanted to impress his mistress.

Random Words To Live By

Sure I spend a lot of time wagging my finger at bad behavior on this blog. But there is much more to me than sitting back and judging people every day. I can be quite positive and deep when I want to. Also, I think it's unfair to harp on people behaving badly without also offering positive information to help people do better.

So, I wanted to share a post recently published by Gurushabad, whose blog often focuses on the positive side of human nature. The Native American Code of Ethics originally appeared in the "Inter-Tribal Times," October, 1994. I think they were definitely on to something about the way we should treat each other. I hope this reaches someone who needs it today.

Native American Code of Ethics
1. Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often. The Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak.

2. Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they will find guidance.

3. Search for yourself, by yourself. Do not allow others to make your path for you. It is your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.

4. Treat the guests in your home with much consideration. Serve them the best food, give them the best bed and treat them with respect and honor.

5. Do not take what is not yours whether from a person, a community, the wilderness or from a culture. It was not earned nor given. It is not yours.

6. Respect all things that are placed upon this earth - whether it be people or plant.

7. Honor other people's thoughts, wishes and words. Never interrupt another or mock or rudely mimic them. Allow each person the right to personal expression.

8. Never speak of others in a bad way. The negative energy that you put out into the universe will multiply when it returns to you.

9. All persons make mistakes. And all mistakes can be forgiven.

10. Bad thoughts cause illness of the mind, body and spirit. Practice optimism.

11. Nature is not FOR us, it is a PART of us. They are part of your worldly family.

12. Children are the seeds of our future. Plant love in their hearts and water them with wisdom and life's lessons. When they are grown, give them space to grow.

13. Avoid hurting the hearts of others. The poison of your pain will return to you.

14. Be truthful at all times. Honesty is the test of ones will within this universe.

15. Keep yourself balanced. Your Mental self, Spiritual self, Emotional self, and Physical self - all need to be strong, pure and healthy. Work out the body to strengthen the mind. Grow rich in spirit to cure emotional ails.

16. Make conscious decisions as to who you will be and how you will react. Be responsible for your own actions.
17. Respect the privacy and personal space of others. Do not touch the personal property of others - especially sacred and religious objects. This is forbidden.

18. Be true to yourself first. You cannot nurture and help others if you cannot nurture and help yourself first.

19. Respect others religious beliefs. Do not force your belief on others.

20. Share your good fortune with others. Participate in charity.

If you have any positive tips for living, please feel free to share them!

Another Case of Adultery Road Kill

Another high-profile man has let lust torpedo a perfectly good career. Choirboy-faced, former presidential candidate John Edwards is the latest roadkill to be squished on the adultery highway.

These stories are not even surprising anymore. What amazes me is that there are public officials, celebrities and other high-profile people who can still delude themselves into believing that they won't get caught. They continue to fix their shifty eyes on the closest cameras and proclaim innocence like they are made of Teflon or had sex with the invisible woman.

I guess being a super successful person must come with some built-in level of arrogance. They all seem to believe that they are so much cleverer than the last casualty of lust and that they can have sordid affairs that no one will ever know about. They seem to be oblivious to the fact that no relationship happens in a vacuum. There is always someone who sees something. Also, once the romance cools, old lovers' lips seem to get as loose as their morals and the blab fest begins.

Knowing the level of scrutiny that high-profile people -especially someone running for the top office in our nation - garner in this day and age, how could Edwards have believed for one second that this skeleton wasn't going to come tumbling out of the closet? Did he learn nothing from Bill Clinton? Has he not caught wind of the text message mayhem in Detroit? Anyone running for office on any level these days should know that having a paparazzi colonoscopy is part of the interview process.

Look, there is no way I would run for public office. I'm sure my past is pretty low key compared to most, but there was this little stretch of craziness in my 20s that, frankly, I don't want to see in any headlines. I know better that to invite close scrutiny. Others seem to be in a fairytale state of denial.

I'm sure Edwards is looking back on that affair today and seeing that it was not worth all of the damage it has caused to his reputation, his chances of being Obama's running mate and, most importantly, to his family. On the other hand, this is America. He and his wife will probably get multi-million book deals out of it and be fine.

Random Idiocy: Detroit Mayor Kwame Making Defending Hometown Difficult

by Cave Canem at Flickr

A judge ordered scandal-plagued Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick to jail today for violating the terms of his bond. If you aren't familiar with this story, Kilpatrick and his former Chief of Staff were indicted recently for a bevy of charges after they allegedly lied under oath about having an affair and firing a police official. It's a long sordid story. You can find more details about the whole hot mess here.

Suffice it to say, Kilpatrick and his boo have been accused of all kinds of shenanigans over the past few years. Apparently still believing himself to be above the law, Kilpatrick took a forbidden trip to Canada last month even though he was prohibited from leaving the state.

Sigh! For nearly 20 years living in the Chicago area, I have remained a staunch defender of my Detroit hometown. Sure, it's has always been little rough around the edges and I must admit that memories of my happy childhood there may have clouded my view of the burned out buildings and aging infrastructure. Still, anytime anyone spoke ill of my native city, I would quickly remind them that Detroit was the birthplace of the Motown sound and Madonna. Depending on who I was talking to, I also mentioned Eminem.

I could always boast about the thriving auto industry that employed many of my family members and friends. I remember fondly the bragging rights I had living in Chicago back when the Detroit Pistons dominated the NBA. That was before Michael Jordan put an end to their reign. Those were truly good times for the city and those of us with roots there.

Since Kwame took office, however, it has become increasingly more difficult to defend the Motor City. I had been hopeful that the influx of casinos would provide the needed revenue to turn the city around. Yet the ragged neighborhoods indicate that the gaming revenues must have evaporated into thin air or hidden pockets. Perhaps the city council has been too busy bickering and the mayor too busy sending freaky text messages (allegedly, of course) to use it to do what was best for the city. The negative attention generated by both has been a definite blow to the city's already troubled image.

Hopefully, Kwame's arrest today will be the catalyst the Michigan governor needs to use her power to remove him from office. My prayer is that the next mayor has more common sense, less arrogance and strong viable plans to dig the city out of the mires of this scandal and give us Detroit natives something to brag about again.

Random Rumble: If I Had A Nickel For Every Fight Caused By The N Word...

As expected, the Internet Universe has brought forth video footage connected to the violent battle between the families of former “America’s Next Top Model” contestant Bianca Golden and Nikki Blonsky of “Hairspray” fame at a Caribbean airport last week!

Now, MSNBC.com is reporting racial slurs may have ignited the fight. That figures! One side says it was the infamous “N word” and the other said someone was called a “white B-----.”

Since the brawl was reported last week, I have been waiting for someone who was fast with a camera phone at the airport to come forward with footage. And here it is, well the aftermath anyway, thanks to theundergroundcity.com. link to video (This is not funny but the people doing commentary during the video crack me up.)

Bianca, Nikki and Nikki's dad, Carl, were reportedly taken into custody at the Caribbean islands’ airport and charged after their families allegedly came to blows. The brawl reportedly started in the departure lounge at the Providenciales International Airport after Nikki's crew attempted to save five seats and Bianca’s family had nowhere to sit.

According to Usmagazine.com and TMZ, Nikki reportedly ended up in a neck brace and her dad jailed. Others also reportedly joined the fight. The reports claim Bianca's mom received srious head injuries and had to be flown to Miami, Fla., to receive medical care.

I remember Bianca's confrontational ways as the feisty and fierce wanna-be top model on cycle 9. I also remember Nikki's saccharine portrayal of the sassy, militant wanna-be dancing queen in "Hairspray." The whole thing had to be visually ridiculous. I had envisioned Carl jumping in to free his buxom daughter’s neck from a headlock administered by Bianca’s emaciated arm and ending up with acrylic fingernails knuckle deep in his forehead. Perhaps someone whipped out the N word and that’s when all hell broke loose.

But that’s just my speculation. I'm sure it will all be sorted out in court. According to reports, Bianca has been charged with assault; Nikki with actual bodily harm and Carl is charged with grievous bodily harm.

This whole incident raises a few questions. Why in the world would all of these grown people be fighting over seats? Seat Savers are annoying but, seriously, were they worth potential jail time? This whole thing is ridiculous and sad with the potential to get worse for all of them.

Follow these links to the details:

Random Bad Mother Poster Child of the Week

There is no one on earth at this point who doesn't realize that leaving a baby in a car on a hot day is just plain ignorant. I guess everyone except a Detroit woman who was arrested Saturday after two passersby had to break into her car to rescue her screaming, sweating infant from a carseat. The Mother Of The Year candidate had taken her two other offspring with her into a beauty supply store and left the baby behind.
Mind you, looking at this footage of her arrest, I could see that mommy dearest was in desparate need of a touch-up on her home perm and a deep conditioner. That is no reason to almost kill your baby by leaving it in a roasting car on an 80-plus degree day.

Once again, you should never ever leave a baby, small children or pets in cars. On an 80 degree day, a car becomes like an oven within minutes. Any adult who has sat in a hot car knows that.

Kudos to the baby's rescuers for calling the police and for keeping this story from becoming a real tragedy. This mother should be grateful for their willingness to get involved or she could have been charged with much more than neglect. She could be charged with murder. (view video here)

Random Reality: Would You Put Your Family on Reality Television?

I stumbled across a poll on U.S. Weekly.com that asked people if they would put their family on a reality television show. Since most of my adult life has been spent guiltily addicted to the genre, I decided to play along. I thought intently for a moment or two before giving my honest answer- YES!

When I hit submit, I was shocked by the results tallied so far. More than 90 percent of respondents lied - I mean - answered No! Just a little over 9 percent answered yes.

Now, either Usweekly.com has a more highbrow readership than I assumed, a majority of people are really shamed of their family members, or those people are lying through their self-righteous teeth. Am I the only one who is willing to admit that under the right circumstances I would be living with a camera crew crammed into my little condo getting all up in my business?

Don't get me wrong, you wouldn't catch me on any incarnation of Flava of Love, A Shot at "Love with Tia Tequila" or "The Bachelor". Sadly, I wouldn't qualify for any of my talent-based faves like "American Idol", "America's Next Top Model" and "Project Runway". Also, I'm way too prissy for the likes of "Survivor", "Fear Factor" or even that Japanese game show thing. I'm not eating any type of bug ever and will not for any amount of money willingly allow spiders or mice within a 10-foot radius of my person.

Anyone who has ever eaten my cooking knows that "Top Chef" or "Hell's Kitchen" are definitely out of the question. And the three steps I compulsively repeat on any dance floor wouldn't get me very far on "So You think You Can Dance" or "America's Best Dance Crew".

But I live for the "Amazing Race". My business partner and I often fantasize about traipsing around the world for a chance to win a million bucks. We imagine that we would be hilarious to watch as we huff, puff and bicker our way through exotic countries. We’d also like to take a shot at "The Mole". Hey, if my gynecologist can do it, why can’t I?

I'm positively addicted to well-produced shows that offer views inside of the manicured lives of celebrity families like "Run's House", "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" and, yes, even "Living Lohan". One of my new absolute favorites is "Kathy Griffin's Life on the D list". Her unapologetic, gratuitous publicity seeking is hysterical and her mother is a wine-swilling gem. My mother, the frustrated comedian and practicing psychic, is 10 times funnier and just as cute.

Perhaps the people lying - oops again, I meant- answering the U.S. Weekly survey were concerned about their children. Well, you won't meet a bigger drama queen on earth than my 10-year-old daughter who is convinced that she will be a superstar....or a scientist. She's leaning toward both, right after she wins "American Idol".

At this point, I have to come clean with the fact that I appeared on "A Dating Story" on TLC some years back through a fluke of circumstances. My daughter was 4-years-old at the time and burst into tears when it aired because she only appeared briefly in the segment. "It's all about YOU and that stupid BOY!" she screamed.

You can judge me if you want, but I think being a reality star has got to be one of the easiest gigs around. Some of them are even able to turn their 15-minutes into extended careers and even clothing lines. Omarosa, the queen of reality mean, got a book deal, people!

So, I ask you the same question. I want you to really think about it, consider your bills and your ordinary life and answer the question: Would you allow your family to appear on a reality television show? Come on, tell the truth. We won’t tell anybody.