The fact that I have to even ask the question is so very wrong. Normally, I can be pretty objective about reality shows. I admit to watching some of them, not all, and definitely none of the trashier ones. (At least, any that I will admit.) It’s hard to be objective, however, when the person who puts me in the stirrups at least once a year is on "The Mole". That’s right. My gynecologist is Nicole, the obnoxious, conceited and conniving M.D. who has threatened to kill someone on national television! (See video)
It’s just SO not okay. Any woman knows, choosing a gynecologist is a very personal thing. I mean, this person knows your body better than any stranger should. (Notice I didn’t say does or has. I’m not judging.) They are paid to get all up in your personal business. So, you try to choose someone who you can respect and trust -the emphasis being on RESPECT.
If you’ve watched the show this season, you know that Nicole has been acting a fool. Had I not met her, I would assume she was just playing the role of the super smart but abrasive and confrontational black woman (i.e.Omarosa) that these television shows love to cast. But I don’t think that’s the case. I had considered switching GYNs before my doctor showed herself to be a potentially homicidal narcissus. I’d always felt that Dr. Nicole was a little too detached and not as committed to the care of my Va-Jay-Jay as I typically like in a gynie.
Clearly, as I suspected, she had other aspirations outside of the exam room.
To be fair, Nicole has shown some class when she's not threatening to kill people in their sleep. She definitely knows how to play the game because she's managed to make it pretty far into the season. I have strong suspicion that she is the mole though. Even if she’s not, I’m not sure I want a reality star doing my next pap smear.
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