As expected, the Internet Universe has brought forth video footage connected to the violent battle between the families of former “America’s Next Top Model” contestant Bianca Golden and Nikki Blonsky of “Hairspray” fame at a Caribbean airport last week!
Now, MSNBC.com is reporting racial slurs may have ignited the fight. That figures! One side says it was the infamous “N word” and the other said someone was called a “white B-----.”
Since the brawl was reported last week, I have been waiting for someone who was fast with a camera phone at the airport to come forward with footage. And here it is, well the aftermath anyway, thanks to theundergroundcity.com. link to video (This is not funny but the people doing commentary during the video crack me up.)
Bianca, Nikki and Nikki's dad, Carl, were reportedly taken into custody at the Caribbean islands’ airport and charged after their families allegedly came to blows. The brawl reportedly started in the departure lounge at the Providenciales International Airport after Nikki's crew attempted to save five seats and Bianca’s family had nowhere to sit.
According to Usmagazine.com and TMZ, Nikki reportedly ended up in a neck brace and her dad jailed. Others also reportedly joined the fight. The reports claim Bianca's mom received srious head injuries and had to be flown to Miami, Fla., to receive medical care.
I remember Bianca's confrontational ways as the feisty and fierce wanna-be top model on cycle 9. I also remember Nikki's saccharine portrayal of the sassy, militant wanna-be dancing queen in "Hairspray." The whole thing had to be visually ridiculous. I had envisioned Carl jumping in to free his buxom daughter’s neck from a headlock administered by Bianca’s emaciated arm and ending up with acrylic fingernails knuckle deep in his forehead. Perhaps someone whipped out the N word and that’s when all hell broke loose.
But that’s just my speculation. I'm sure it will all be sorted out in court. According to reports, Bianca has been charged with assault; Nikki with actual bodily harm and Carl is charged with grievous bodily harm.
This whole incident raises a few questions. Why in the world would all of these grown people be fighting over seats? Seat Savers are annoying but, seriously, were they worth potential jail time? This whole thing is ridiculous and sad with the potential to get worse for all of them.
Follow these links to the details:
Blonksy Arrested in Airport Brawl - Daily Dish
His & Hers Arrests for Nikki Blonsky, Dad - E Online
Isn't this buck wild? However it got started, the crazy part is that you have all of these adults who can't govern themselves properly. Especially Blonsky's father.
What a mess!
Fame certainly get to your head, huh!? And money of course.
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