Desk Rage: Research Reveals Office Smackdown Epidemic


This YouTube favorite of a guy flipping out in the workplace was shockingly hilarious when it first began making the viral rounds through cyberspace. It's not so funny now that a recent study shows "Desk Rage" just like this is on the rise in offices across the country. (O.K., the video is still kinda funny. I mean, seriously, he hit the lady in the next cubicle with a computer. Who does that?)

People are literally snapping at the office. Researchers found that 2 percent to 3 percent of people surveyed admit to pushing, slapping or hitting someone at work. (

Nearly half of U.S. workers in America report yelling and verbal abuse on
the job, with roughly a quarter saying it has driven them to tears, research
has shown. Other research showed one-sixth of workers reported anger
at work has led to property damage, while a tenth reported physical violence
and fear their workplace might not be safe.

Desk rage doesn't discriminate. It's plaguing workers across all industry and class lines, from top white-collar jobs to gritty blue-collar work. Apparently the pressures of life, such as rising fuel, food and living costs coupled with no money to fund leisure activities that help blow off steam, are pushing people over the edge.

"People are coming to work after a long commute, sitting in traffic watching their discretionary income burn up. They're ready for a fight or just really upset," said John Challenger, head of Chicago's Challenger, Gray & Christmas workplace consultants.

Wow! I admit in my past life as a corporate drone, I did on occasion fantasize about putting a co-worker in a headlock. The fact that people are acting on their violent urges and literally pimp-slapping fellow employees is reason #205 to remain self employed.

Have you ever lost it at work? Have your urges to snap on co-workers gotten worse lately? How do you cope?

1 comment:

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

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