In an effort to rebuild basic services and jumpstart Iraq's damaged economy, government officials are cutting out the paperwork and getting money directly into the hands of the people by literally handing out cash on the streets. According to an Associated Press report, they are using the $70 billion the country will earn this year in oil revenues.
The handouts by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and a handful of other top officials are authorized — as long as each goes no higher than about $8,000, and the same people don't get them twice. Aides say they are meant merely to ease the pain a bit, and are motivated by a belief that better conditions will lead to more security. (source)
So, I guess we should now promptly have warm and fuzzy feelings as we fork over $5 a gallon at the pumps knowing that it is going to a good cause, right? Nice try, but no good!
I do admire their stimulus method though. It's far better than our government's method of bragging about it for months and then taking their sweet time sending out the bucks. I don’t know about you but my stimulus check has come and gone. Despite government hopes that I would run right to the mall with the guilt-laced bills clutched in my sweaty palms to buy a bunch of junk I didn’t need, I handed my windfall over to the mortgage company to guarantee myself a roof over my head for another month or so.
A few of my random friends are still rushing to their mailboxes every day and harassing the mailman in desperate anticipation of their check. Most of them have already spent the money before it even arrived. You know how you start saying, “Well, I’ll just go ahead and buy this because I have that check coming.” Before you know it, you’ve tricked off about $1,000 more than that check will ever be? Okay, maybe that’s just me. Don’t judge!
Anyway, it’s not that I didn’t appreciate my stimulus check. In fact, I’d like to formally thank George W. for throwing us a few crumbs to distract us from the thousands of lost troops and billions of dollars the oil grab - I mean - war is costing our country. Next time though, take a cue from the Iraqi Prime Minister and pass out the bread yourself.
Hey, you can always ask all of your cronies who pushed the war though or your oil buddies to help you distribute the cash. The ones that haven’t been shot in the face, that is.
1 comment:
I actually haven't gotten my stimulus check yet & I am one that wasn't counting on it. For that check, I just said I'll beleive it & spend it when I see it. It would have been nice to get the cash in hand though...
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