I have a theory about violence in America. If someone did a comprehensive study on the underlying triggers of random violence, they would find that 60 percent of people who snap and knock the hell out of strangers for no apparent reason had been victims themselves earlier that day - victims of bad customer service.
That's right! I believe that there is a direct link between bad customer service and random violence. I'm not talking about attacks against the actual cashiers, bank tellers, bill collectors, store clerks or fast food employees who are routinely rude to customers. I'm talking about the ripple effect of ill-will bad customer service can cause. It's the anti-thesis of the do-good version of "Paying It Forward."
In my opinion, bad customer service is among the most serious threats to society. So when we are addressing violence in our communities (HELL, in America), let's take a closer look at cashiers, sales people and other people who take customer service jobs but clearly hate people.
How many times have you been treated rudely by a cashier, disregarded by a salesperson or belittled by a bill collector and turned around and cursed out the very next person you encountered? One sales person with a stank attitude can have us bitching about it to our family, friends and anyone else who will listen for two or three weeks and then again at the family reunion. People who are a little less stable and have latent violent tendencies anyway take their frustration to the next level and end up on the news.
So, you ask, why are random acts of violence more prevalent in the "hood"? We always hear about gangs, guns and poverty, but criminologists always overlook one very important factor. Customer service is worse in the hood. I first noticed this phenomenon while working in the suburbs and living on the south side of Chicago. Don't take my word for it though. You can test this theory yourself.
Go to a popular fast food restaurant in the best neighborhood in your city. It's the one that the mayor sends all of the city cleanup crews to first after a holiday weekend. Let's make it interesting: use the drive-thru during the dinner rush! Note the prompt service, the friendly smile and the "Have a nice day!" you receive when you drive away in mere moments with the exact items you ordered. Go ahead and touch your food. Piping hot, right? Taste it. Let me guess - juicy meat fresh from the grill? Crispy lettuce? Thought so.
Now the next day, go to that same company's restaurant in the "hood". You know the side of town that stays on the news? To be fair, go to the drive-thru at the same time of day. Pay close attention to how many songs play on your radio while you wait in a long line of cars. When you finally reach the speaker, note the suicidal tone of the drive-thru employee. Count the number of times you have to repeat your order. Were you thanked? Check your order, is it right? Touch your food. Cold fries? Limp lettuce? Yep.
Here's the important part: Do you want to slap the crap out of somebody? Case closed!