Here are few tips for MEN to help them avoid being ignorant and disrespectful this summer:
1. Stop trying to ‘holla’ at women from passing cars (even worse from the bus stop.) Does this really work on anyone? If a woman responds to this ignorance, you don’t want her any.
2. Stop holding up traffic to do it. This is a double dose of ignorance. Your horny-ness should not inconvenience other drivers!
3. Realize that every female in booty shorts and belly shirts is not legal. In fact, these days most are not. There is nothing more pathetic than watching grown men harass these little hot-tail girls whose only summer jobs appear to be walking up and down busy streets half-naked looking for suckers to buy their cheap clothes. Unless you want to catch a case – criminal or VD – leave them alone.
4. Young boys - stop saying “Age doesn’t matter, baby” when you approach a grown woman with your immature foolishness. No woman with any sense is trying to be bothered with little boys who can’t even pull up their pants and who wear the same colored beads on their (yuck) braids as their seven-year-old daughter.
5. By the way, men. Stop wearing beads on braids. Not Sexy!
6. If a woman gives you the tight-lipped “Hi” with no eye contact when you approach, move along. She’s not interested!
7. Looking a woman up and down, grunting or making a lewd comment is not a compliment. It’s rude. Stop it!
8. If you do approach us, do not touch us in any way. No calculated bumps. No arm strokes. No hand grabbing. No touching! PERIOD.
9. Last but definitely not least: DO NOT TRY TO MACK US DOWN IN FRONT OF OUR CHILDREN! It’s so not OK!
10. The final tip is for women: Don’t respond to any of this foolishness! You make it hard for the rest of us who have some damned sense.
Ladies, did I leave anything off the list? Men, does this behavior actually work?
OK, but the worst is when you don't want to talk to the yuck mouths and they start callin you all kind of bithes and hoes. Then, they act like they want to fight you and start yelling all up and down the street how, "you ain't shit no way." I'm thinking, "but weren't you just trying to holla at me?" Come on brothers tell me what kind of example is this setting for the ones coming after you. But again this is a part of a bigger issue in our community...absentee fathers and a lack of mentors. Now come on brothers don't start getting on me because I'm a witness-there are a lot of good, educated, hard-working brothers out there. I have one for a father and husband. But, the reason all the men in my family know how to respect women and talk to them like they have some sense is because the men in their lives did it. Having good fathers, uncles and mentors is the only way we are going to see brothers stop talking to sisters all crooked.
well said!
lol, good list.
first i will say, its not ALL the men's fault sometimes........SOMETIMES lol
and second, it does have to deal with how we were brought up. if no morals and values were taught then watch out.
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