Obama's Stolen Prayer Refreshingly Familiar
I, like most people, was outraged when I first saw this Associated Press story about Sen. Barack Obama's prayer being stolen from Jerusalem's Western Prayer Wall where he placed it during a visit last week. Following tradition, Obama wrote his prayer on a small piece of paper, fold it up and jam it into one of the cracks in the stone of the sacred wall. Before Obama could even make it back to his motorcade, a scavenger who obviously has no conscience plucked the presidential candidate's note to the Almighty from its resting place and took it to a newspaper.
Stealing someone's personal message to God is wrong on every imaginable level. I mean it's downright ignorant and disrespectful to the 2,000-year-old wall, considered Judaism's holiest place. With that said, I have to admit I couldn't wait to get to the part in the video where it revealed what he had written.
Sure, I felt conflicted about my nosiness. On the one hand, I thought it was ridiculously wrong for the news media to publish the information. The other part of me - the side that is as fascinated by the man as everyone else - wanted desperately to know what Barack Obama prays for.
From the outside looking in, it appears he has everything. He's reached rock star status in an historic election that has riveted a nation. He is a bestselling author with what appears to be an extremely loving relationship with a smart and successful wife. Let's not forget the two adorable children, who are equally charming and well-adjusted despite all of the madness that now surrounds them.
What would he say? I had to know. I'm not sure what I was expecting Obama's prayer to say. Perhaps: "Please God let me be president." Or "Thank you God for making me so freakin' AWESOME!" Or maybe even: "Please God keep me away from Rev. Jesse Jackson when he is holding a pair of scissors."
In the end, Barack's prayer was really not so different from mine or, I suspect, many people across this country and the world.
"Lord - Protect my family and me," reads the note, as reported by the Maariv daily. "Forgive me my sins, and help me guard against pride and despair. Give me the wisdom to do what is right and just. And make me an instrument of your will."
We all want our families and ourselves to be safe. Most of us want our mistakes, missteps and just plain blasphemous behavior eradicated from all public, private, cosmic and spiritual records. Most of us want to do what's right -most, if not all of the time.
And the older I get the more I realize that doing things according to my will is not always so good for me or anyone around me. I'm sure others feel the same way –even if our current president doesn’t.
Random Reality: Winning An Oscar and Emmy By September Might Be Impossible

You would too if you had less than two months to accomplish everything you dreamed you would do over the past 10 years. I’m going to be very busy until my September 17th birthday living up to my unfulfilled dreams.
First, I have to write a phenomenally groundbreaking novel that Oprah immediately declares her favorite book of all time. Then I must quickly turn it into a blockbuster screenplay that, of course, sells for undisclosed millions and stars Will Smith, a sober Shia LaBeouf, Denzel Washington, Halle Berry, Brangelina and the twins. It will also feature a 20-minute fight scene between Jet Li, Jason Statham and Matt Damon, doing a cameo as Jason Bourne.
Then I have to hurry up and win an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay before Shonda Rhimes- my new writing partner and best buddy- produces a dramatic television series based on the movie with a cast led by Taye Diggs and that guy who played Denny that she killed off of Grey’s Anatomy. On second thought, Taye hasn't had the best of luck keeping a series afloat. I'd have to have a serious talk with Shonda about that casting decision. I'm sure we can work the kinks out just in time to win an Emmy for the show.
Now, I'm not totally naive about show business. There are a few obstacles to realizing my dreams. First, besides writing my kick-a$$ acceptance speeches and this blog, I haven't worked much on the three novels or four screenplays that I have been writing for the past 10 years. Even if I do manage to finish one of them by, say, the end of this week, it would be cutting it pretty close.
I also completely realize that it takes more than two months to sell, cast, shoot, edit, market and premiere a movie that is not a porno. In addition, I strongly suspect that the Academy or Emmy officials will be reluctant to move their events up to September just to keep me from feeling suicidal the day after my birthday - even if I ask really, really nicely.
Seriously, what have I been doing for the past 10 years? It seems like I started off with all of these big dreams and obtainable goals. But now, all I remember is an impulsive trip to the Bahamas to celebrate followed by a whole lot of working; punctuated by moments of parenting, cooking and cleaning; interspersed with occasional laughing and loving; sprinkled with a few trips to the movies and then more work; finished off with an unexpected layoff which triggered some moping, bitching and moaning tempered by bursts of optimism. Then I had a few freelance writing gigs supplemented by this blog which has all led up to now: the beginnings of a full-blown panic attack. Whew, I guess I have been busy.
So what happened? I don’t know….life, I guess. Or have I really been living? I guess I’d have to renew my subscription to “O” Magazine to figure that out.
One thing the past 10 years has given me is the wisdom to realize that I probably won’t accomplish all the things I had dreamed I would before September. So, I found myself making a new list for the upcoming decade of my life. This time I decided to keep it short.
1. Less dreaming.
2. More doing.
Random Behavior Poster Child Of The Week: The Lawnmower Assassin

When Walendowski’s Lawn Boy wouldn’t start Wednesday morning, the intoxicated Wisconsin man allegedly went ballistic and tried to blow it away with a shotgun. Walendowski, 56, was charged with felony possession of a short-barreled shotgun or rifle and misdemeanor disorderly conduct while armed.
Apparently, randomly shooting things -even on your own property - is not so legal in most states. Who knew? If convicted, Walendowski could face up to an $11,000 fine and six years and three months in prison. Hopefully, his sentence would include some serious anger management counseling…and mandatory use of good hair conditioner.
Prime Real Estate Now Available on Front Street

Front Street! You know the place where a lot of people have been living for years. It’s located at the intersection of Living-Beyond-Your-Means Avenue and Keeping-Up-With-the Jones Way. It was populated by those lost souls who spent more money on appearances than on paying bills.
Yeah, those people - the formerly proud citizens of Front Street, USA who are finally being knocked back down to reality with the rest of us. This bad economy is forcing everyone to rethink where their money is going and where it has gone.
I never understood the type of person who bought things – or worse – lied about their lifestyle to impress other people. However, it’s a pretty common occurrence in our community. I believe it might be a symptom of many of our people growing up without. Once we are able to afford things or at least to qualify for them on credit, we tend to go overboard.
I’m not the most responsible person with money, but all of my bonehead financial faux pas were for me. There were times in my life when I have fallen victim to excess. After getting my first decent paying job after college, I ran right out and bought a little red sports car, even though my trusty Dodge Shadow was still in great condition. My new car - that I named Sasha- cost me 150 bucks more a month and had a manual transmission. I couldn’t even drive a stick. I had to call someone to drive it home from the dealership and teach me how to drive it before I had to go to work on Monday.
I loved that car but it was stupid. Not only because I was the only one skidding around in Chicago’s winter weather like a fool in a little sports car but because paying for the car immediately made me a slave to the system. If I had banked or invested the extra cash I would be in better financial shape today.
I’d like to think that I’ve learned and that I am wiser now. My hope is that through all of the diversity brought on by the condition of today’s economy, everyone will learn. If and when the markets correct and better days come, my hope is that people won’t forget the valuable lessons being taught now.
First, no job is guaranteed. Also, save more or as much as you spend because – surprise – rainy days do come. And most important, if you can’t afford it, don’t buy it, charge it, lease it or borrow it! Those same people you are trying to impress by throwing elaborate parties or driving fancy cars up and down on Front Street won’t be there to help you when the bottom falls out.
Random Reality Overkill: Please Stop Giving This Woman Camera Time!

Holy Bitch Slap: Batman Questioned Re: Assault

The incident allegedly took place in the box-office champ's Dorchester Hotel room in London on Sunday, the day before the blockbuster film's European premiere. A Metropolitan Police spokesperson tells E! News that Bale presently faces "no charges, all we are saying at the moment is that a 34-year-old male attended a central London police station this morning, by appointment, and was arrested in connection with an allegation of assault. (source)
I was one of the gazillion people who saw the movie this past weekend and actually loved it. I bought the tortured hero with an underlying violent streak thing on the big screen but even Batman wouldn't beat down his own dear old momma. (allegedly, of course) The Joker, maybe! Batman, not so much.
Maybe Christian's irritable because his blockbuster shine is being overshadowed by a dead man. The hype is warranted. Heath's portrayal of the iconic bad guy ranks up there with one of the best villains ever in my opinion.So, Christian, just step up your game next time. It takes more than a raspy voice to generate Oscar buzz. Oh, and leave the bitch slaps to the villains.
UPDATE: Christian Bale issues statement: “Christian Bale attended a London police station today, on a voluntary basis, in order to assist with an allegation that had been made against him to the police by his mother and sister. Mr. Bale who denies the allegation, co-operated throughout, gave his account in full of the events in question, and has left the station without any charge being made against him by the police. At this time, there will be no further comment by Mr. Bale.”
Random Revelation: Pettiness Kills Friendships

Random Behavior Short Takes
The New York Post reported today on the case of a cop who pled guilty to pimping on the side. The NYPD detective and his madam girlfriend pimped out an underage girl.
Cop-turned-convict Wayne Taylor, 35, will be sentenced next month to 3½ years behind bars along with gal pal Zalika Brown, 29, who also took a plea deal yesterday. The two were busted in January after a 13-year-old runaway escaped from their apartment in Jamaica, Queens. The teen told cops she'd been sold to the couple for $500 by another pimp.I know times are hard and people sometimes have to take on a second job to make ends meet. PoPos turning to pimping for extra cash isn't an indication that we might be headed toward a depression, I don't know what is.
Man Uses Fake Wife To Get Divorce
Talk about cutting out the middle man. According to Reuters, a man in Kolkuta, India wanted to divorce his wife but didn't want her to know about it. So he took a fake wife to court and got the divorce. His real wife was understandably upset when she as suddenly asked to move out of the family home. I know he was wrong but realizing how much this tactic would have saved me in attorney's fees, I can't be mad at him.
Florida Man Trades Son's Birth Name For Gas
Okay, people, I know gas is egregiously high but come on! In Orlando, Florida, David Partin pledged to name his son after local radio hosts to win a $100 gas card as part of a contest. The rdio host's name is Dixon Willoughby which isn't that bad. but think out it, that $100 worth of gas is not going to last very long. That kid will be shackled with that name for the rest of his life.
Is My Gynecologist The Mole?

It’s just SO not okay. Any woman knows, choosing a gynecologist is a very personal thing. I mean, this person knows your body better than any stranger should. (Notice I didn’t say does or has. I’m not judging.) They are paid to get all up in your personal business. So, you try to choose someone who you can respect and trust -the emphasis being on RESPECT.
Random Static: The New Yorker Cover Just Another Distraction

Over in Washington, Bush and his crew are up to their same old political games lifting the oil drilling ban in an attempt to distract us once again with meaningless legislation. They know darn well, even if Congress voted to do the same, no effects would be felt in American pockets until the year 2026 and those effects would be minimal at best. They are counting on us being too distracted by foolishness – oh and the birth of the Brangelina twins -to realize that.
It’s bad out here people! Too bad, in fact, to waste a lot of ink and keystrokes on a bonehead, ill-conceived cartoon. We can’t keep getting caught up in these idiotic publicity stunts that force Obama and us to focus energy on denouncing ignorant behavior every other day. Barack Obama is facing the fight of his life in this election and so are we.
Iraqi's Stimulus Package Better Than Ours

The handouts by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and a handful of other top officials are authorized — as long as each goes no higher than about $8,000, and the same people don't get them twice. Aides say they are meant merely to ease the pain a bit, and are motivated by a belief that better conditions will lead to more security. (source)
I do admire their stimulus method though. It's far better than our government's method of bragging about it for months and then taking their sweet time sending out the bucks. I don’t know about you but my stimulus check has come and gone. Despite government hopes that I would run right to the mall with the guilt-laced bills clutched in my sweaty palms to buy a bunch of junk I didn’t need, I handed my windfall over to the mortgage company to guarantee myself a roof over my head for another month or so.
A few of my random friends are still rushing to their mailboxes every day and harassing the mailman in desperate anticipation of their check. Most of them have already spent the money before it even arrived. You know how you start saying, “Well, I’ll just go ahead and buy this because I have that check coming.” Before you know it, you’ve tricked off about $1,000 more than that check will ever be? Okay, maybe that’s just me. Don’t judge!
Anyway, it’s not that I didn’t appreciate my stimulus check. In fact, I’d like to formally thank George W. for throwing us a few crumbs to distract us from the thousands of lost troops and billions of dollars the oil grab - I mean - war is costing our country. Next time though, take a cue from the Iraqi Prime Minister and pass out the bread yourself.
Desk Rage: Research Reveals Office Smackdown Epidemic
This YouTube favorite of a guy flipping out in the workplace was shockingly hilarious when it first began making the viral rounds through cyberspace. It's not so funny now that a recent study shows "Desk Rage" just like this is on the rise in offices across the country. (O.K., the video is still kinda funny. I mean, seriously, he hit the lady in the next cubicle with a computer. Who does that?)
People are literally snapping at the office. Researchers found that 2 percent to 3 percent of people surveyed admit to pushing, slapping or hitting someone at work. (source)
Nearly half of U.S. workers in America report yelling and verbal abuse on
the job, with roughly a quarter saying it has driven them to tears, research
has shown. Other research showed one-sixth of workers reported anger
at work has led to property damage, while a tenth reported physical violence
and fear their workplace might not be safe.
Desk rage doesn't discriminate. It's plaguing workers across all industry and class lines, from top white-collar jobs to gritty blue-collar work. Apparently the pressures of life, such as rising fuel, food and living costs coupled with no money to fund leisure activities that help blow off steam, are pushing people over the edge.
"People are coming to work after a long commute, sitting in traffic watching their discretionary income burn up. They're ready for a fight or just really upset," said John Challenger, head of Chicago's Challenger, Gray & Christmas workplace consultants.
Wow! I admit in my past life as a corporate drone, I did on occasion fantasize about putting a co-worker in a headlock. The fact that people are acting on their violent urges and literally pimp-slapping fellow employees is reason #205 to remain self employed.
Have you ever lost it at work? Have your urges to snap on co-workers gotten worse lately? How do you cope?
Random Rhetoric: Speaking Of Nuts...

"He's running the last lap of a 54-year marathon. I am a part of that race." -
Rev. Jesse Jackson (source -CNN)
Sigh. That was Rev. Jesse Jackson's response regarding whether his much-publicized Obama criticism is rooted in jealousy.
Jesse, seriously, just stop saying things! No disrespect, but we all know that anytime a man threatens another man's baby-sacks there is some hate in the game and it's not a good look. Sadly, we also realize that there is absolutely no way you are going to let go of the limelight you covet now that somebody is finally paying attention to you again.
No one denies that we stand on the backs of you and all those who served on the frontlines of the struggle. Just because there have been no cameras in your face of late, doesn't mean we have forgotten about you. That said, however, you have had more than anyone's share of shine and your contributions have been acknowledged - over and over again.
I implore you to let us all get back to the business of electing our first black president and leave this foolishness behind - for the sake of the legacy of your past accomplishments and for all of our futures.
Random Revenge: More Than One Way To Make Them Pay

Brinkley struck back by putting her cheating ex's adulterous sex escapades with a teen and $3,000-a-month internet porn habit in the streets. Brinkley used YouTube, the media and the courts to blast details of Peter Cook’s freaky behavior to the world during the couple’s two-year battle to end their 10-year marriage.
Amid rumors of Alex Rodriquez’s possible affair Madonna, Cynthia Rodriguez allegedly chose another route to redemption. It ran straight through the high-end shops of Paris. The New York Daily News reported yesterday that she flexed her inner ‘material girl’ by blazing a trail through A-Rod’s bankbook and treating herself to a $100,000 shopping spree for her troubles. She denies the reports and says she still loves him.
I'm not criticizing any woman’s approaches. I personally know the toll adultery and divorce takes on the soul. It’s all about survival. Some women tell the world. Some women shop. Some women cut of genitals (not condoning this approach). To each, his own -unless it is illegal and causes bodily harm, of course.
I don't feel too bad for Cook. He came away with a $2.1 million settlement. That should pay for a lot of porn. We have to it and see how dirty A-Rod’s divorce gets. In the meantime if Cynthia did decide to go on a 100 grand shopping spree, it seems like pretty good salve for a broken heart. If it takes some pricey heels to help a sistah heal, I say go for it!
RUDE AWAKENING: Hello, Pot. I'm Kettle. Nice to meet You!

I'm quick to give other mothers the side-eye when their child is acting a fool in public. I don’t hesitate to rant about lax parenting when I see young children walking the streets after dark when they should be in bed. It's easy to point out the shortcomings of parents. Everyone does it- even people who don't have kids.
Yesterday, however, as I watched my daughter eat her vegetables with her fingers, I realized that I hadn't been handling my business at home. My child obviously was sorely lacking in the table etiquette department and I had no one to blame but my-stone-throwing-self.
Turning the mirror on me was tough but reminded me that most of us are learning as we go and trying to be better parents. Some of us are better at it than others, but I bet no one looks at their adorably smushed-faced newborn baby and says, "I'm going to do everything I can to screw this kid up."
We start out with all of the best intentions. We have a long list of the things we absolutely won't do that our mothers, fathers, friends, co-workers and/or the parents being carted off to jail on the evening news did. We have an even longer list of all of the superhuman parent things we are going to do like reading Tolstoy to them at 3 months, banning television, video games and sweets and saving $1,000 a month for their college fund. (What? Harvard is expensive.) Then there’s the most important list – all of the things we want our child to be, see and do before, during and after they grow up.
Nowhere on my list did it say I wanted my child to eat like she has been raised by wolves. Yet there she was....fingers dripping with string bean juice.
So, I decided today that I'm going to cut myself and other parents some slack. After all, I don't have this parenting thing figured out yet and I've been at it for 10 and a half years. Hell, I'm sure my mother still has questions.
Even so, my daughter and I made an impromptu trip to the library today and checked out an etiquette book for kids. I'm going to do my best to make time to read it with her. My hope is that the time we spend together learning the proper way to break bread will go a long way toward creating the strongest mother-daughter bond EVER! I believe that’s #327 on my list.
Credit-enslaved Consumers May Get Relief from Plastic Crack

Cries from credit victims have federal regulators considering serious reforms proposed by several consumer advocacy groups. New laws may take effect next year that would stop the credit card companies for raising rates and imposing fees at will. For example, some propose extending the grace period before fees are charged and interest rates are raised from one minute after a payment is late to 30 days. One proposal would restrict marketing the plastic crack to consumers under 21. (source)
Sure, some people like my Über-responsible and forever financially-fit best friend may say that those who fall prey to the plastic temptress brought it on themselves. But few were schooled soon enough in the art of responsible spending to prevent their financial freefall into debt. They were infected with have-it-now-pay-later fever not realizing the true costs until it was too late.
Everywhere you look now there are websites, books, DVDs, talk shows and other tools to teach you to tow the line when it comes to finances. For most, however, those lessons came after the bulky balances of multiple cards already had sucked the fun out of having fabulously full closets and mean shoe game.
Being older and wiser, I now am able to resist those must-have bargains that really aren't and those once in a lifetime sales that pop up every three months. Having an extra mouth to feed and being self-employed helps control even the most intense shoe craving. After all, my daughter can't survive on shoe sandwiches.
Credit cards have gotten away with behaving badly and abusing credit-enslaved consumers long enough. They've made billions off of this ingenious and devious bank racket.
I say Hurray!!! I'm all for any new laws that will help the millions of reformed big-spenders who still are dealing with their pre-enlightenment debt. I only wish they could enact the new laws before my next AmEx bill is due.
French Fail Friendly Tourist Test

French tourists topped the list when it comes to behaving badly on vacation. The French are now considered the most obnoxious tourists from European nations, according to a recent international survey of employees in 4,000 hotels in Germany, the U.K., Italy, France, Canada and the U.S. for the French travel website Expedia.fr. (source)
Apparently the poll showed French Tourists are stingy tippers, don't bother to try to speak the local languages and can be quite critical and rude. Considering that the average French employee gets about 37 vacation days year, you'd think that -and all of the wine with breakfast - would mellow them out some. I guess not.
I'm proud of my fellow Americans who scored well on the survey for trying to communicate using the local lingo, spending big and being generous tippers while abroad. Kudos to us! However, like the French, we didn't do so well in the attitude department. Our diva demands for premium customer service ranked us among "the loudest, most inclined to complain, and among the least polite" when things aren't going our way on vacation.
So when I go overseas, butcher the language, spend too much money on cheap souvenirs, over tip the pool boy and rant about bad customer service, I am just being a proud American! I wonder where overindulging in the local libations fits in.
Deadbeat Gambling Law: Sure Bet For Kids

Child support is always a touchy issue. Few things spark more vigorous debate in the corner barbershop then stories of a celebrity, an athlete or even the local baller being ordered to fork over huge child support payments. All you have to do is Google the details of Kimora Lee Simmons' recent settlement to see the mammoth buzz her $40,000 monthly child support check caused throughout the blogosphere.
I'm not hating on Kimora at all. I personally think making a peanut butter-and-jelly sandwich at 2 a.m. on a work night is worth $5k easy. But women and men probably will be forever split on how much is enough and how much is too much to pay to adequately support a child.
In my book, however, there is no debating that Colorado definitely deserves kudos for forcing deadbeat dads to ante up for the kiddies and providing much needed relief for the non-Kimoras within its borders.
Keep The Faith Despite Disturbing Death

As the truly shocking surveillance tape footage played over and over, my eyes were riveted on the other patients sitting indifferently as Esmin toppled from her chair and flailed around in obvious distress before she grew still. The other patients glanced over a few times but no one came to her aid. No one!
I shouldn’t say no one helped. About an hour after her ordeal began, a nurse did come and gently kick Esmin on the leg a few times in what appeared to be an attempt to rouse her. She was already dead.
Though I usually try to interject note of humor into my posts, there is nothing funny about this situation. I wanted to blog about it because I was surprised by my reaction. I expected to be outraged and I absolutely was. I expected to rail against the negligence of the medical facility that let a woman die so close to life-saving help and I did that for a while. Also as expected, I ranted against the people who sat idle and didn’t even move to help Esmin off the floor for a good 15 minutes.
When all my ranting petered out and I sat down to write, I couldn’t write about that side of the story. Quite unexpectedly, I was filled with a surprising feeling - hope. My hope stemmed from the realization that besides the egregiously inexcusable behavior of all involved in the Esmin Green incident, those people and that staff do not serve as an indictment of our entire human race.
Despite all of the bad news and human atrocities that we hear every day and despite the fact that the foundation of this blog is based on pointing out the ignorant behaviors of my fellow man, I know for a fact that there are millions of truly good people in this world, tens of thousands in this country, thousands in my city and hundreds right here in my neighborhood.
Call me idealistic, but I believe the good actually outnumber the bad. That any of my friends or I would not have sat there and watched Esmin die. For every person that closes their eyes and ears to someone else's suffering, there is at least one willing to help.
Now, maybe this optimistic attitude comes from working from home and watching too much Oprah. (I am a proud student of her online New Earth workshop). Maybe it’s all the feel-good reports of celebrity and community altruism that populate the media in this day of Oprah’s Big Give and Extreme Home Makeovers. (I can’t watch either of those without a giant box of Puffs.) Whatever the reason, I’m not ready to give up on us yet.
I am in no way saying that we should not speak out against what happened to Esmin Green or any of the other cases where people stand idly by and watch others in need. One of my favorite blogs, What About Our Daughters, does a fabulous job of routinely sheding light on such atrocities directed toward women.
We must continue to rant about it, blog about it, report on it, and discuss it in our barbershops, beauty shops, on our jobs, in our churches and amongst our friends until such behavior is not only unacceptable but unheard of. However, we also must keep in mind - if for no other reason than to remain sane - that for every idiot in the emergency room with Esmin that day, there are thousands who would have helped.
RUDE CELEBS: Baywatch Babe Lashes Out At Daisy Duke

“I think she is a bitch and whore. Actually, I don’t know if she was talking about food or men.” Pamela Anderson speaking to an Australian radio station about Jessica Simpson. Posted from lovebscott.sharenow.com
Celebrity blogs are abuzz with news that Pamela Anderson called Jessica Simpson a "bitch and whore" because she wore a t-shirt broadcasting her love of meat. (Yes, the same Pam Anderson that had the sex tape.)
Pam, you are passionate about PETA and hate meat. We get it! But a rude, public attack on Jessica over her choice to indulge in little bovine and swine? Are you kidding me?!
Don’t get me wrong; I respect anyone who stands up for what they believe. What I can't respect are people who use their views like a baseball bat to beat everyone else over the head. Attacking others who don’t agree with you or forcing your views down their throats is ridiculously rude and not the most effective way to change minds.
Does Pam actually think that her vicious verbal assault is going to make Jessica or anyone else change their meat-loving ways? Didn't she learn anything from the Tom Cruise-Brooke Shields anti-depressant fiasco? Pam, seriously, mind your business!
I'm sure this whole beef (pun intended) is just a publicity stunt in advance of Pamela's upcoming television show. She even dug up Tommy Lee again for a little extra ink.
Attacking Jessica Simpson though? Really? Everybody knows Jessica doesn’t really know what she is eating half of the time. I mean this is the same girl who thought buffalo wings came from buffalos. Jessica’s response will be fascinating, I’m sure.
Am I the only one who thinks this is ridiculous?