I’ve decided not to jump on the bandwagon and post about The New Yorker cover. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of blogs covered that fiasco. Yes, the cover was extremely ridiculous, bordering on ignorant. But we all know that. The editors who decided to put it on the cover knew it too. It seems everyone's selling their soul for publicity these days.
Over in Washington, Bush and his crew are up to their same old political games lifting the oil drilling ban in an attempt to distract us once again with meaningless legislation. They know darn well, even if Congress voted to do the same, no effects would be felt in American pockets until the year 2026 and those effects would be minimal at best. They are counting on us being too distracted by foolishness – oh and the birth of the Brangelina twins -to realize that.
It’s bad out here people! Too bad, in fact, to waste a lot of ink and keystrokes on a bonehead, ill-conceived cartoon. We can’t keep getting caught up in these idiotic publicity stunts that force Obama and us to focus energy on denouncing ignorant behavior every other day. Barack Obama is facing the fight of his life in this election and so are we.
Nope, I’m not getting sucked into that vortex because here’s what I think - not about the cover itself - but about what the cover has accomplished. That cover, just like the explosive Jeremiah Wright rant, the goofy Jesse Jackson comments, the Obama daughter interview uproar, comedian Bernie Mac's off-color jokes and Fist Bump-Gate – have merely diverted attention from everything else that we need to be focusing on.
Go to any business or financial page today. They are littered with bad news that is being ignored because of that stupid cover. From the top to the bottom of the screen on any given news website, there is nothing but doom and gloom. The stock market, housing market and, hell, even the supermarket are in the toilet. Gas prices and unemployment rates are higher than giraffe genitals. People are losing jobs and homes sometimes in the same month.
Over in Washington, Bush and his crew are up to their same old political games lifting the oil drilling ban in an attempt to distract us once again with meaningless legislation. They know darn well, even if Congress voted to do the same, no effects would be felt in American pockets until the year 2026 and those effects would be minimal at best. They are counting on us being too distracted by foolishness – oh and the birth of the Brangelina twins -to realize that.
It’s bad out here people! Too bad, in fact, to waste a lot of ink and keystrokes on a bonehead, ill-conceived cartoon. We can’t keep getting caught up in these idiotic publicity stunts that force Obama and us to focus energy on denouncing ignorant behavior every other day. Barack Obama is facing the fight of his life in this election and so are we.
I agree wholeheartedly with that statement, not only do they want to take attention away from the real deal, but also try and smear Obamam in anyway, and also to shape people's unconscious Pysche.
Sort of like a two for one.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste yall.
Sportsnut 2008
I couldn't agree with you more although I myself still has a lot to work on. This will be my first time to vote and with what's going on it's sad and I am starting to get confused with all these publicity stunts. Anyways, thanks for stopping by my blog.
I agree that the cover is a distraction. I'm trying to decide if the editorial board at The New Yorker is so smug as to think people would giggle, get the joke, and move on. I think they might be that smug and were somewhat blindsided by the uproar.
And is it bad taste or just a bad joke? Or both? Personally I don't think it's that funny -- as a cartoon. There are about 100 other ways they could have had some fun with Mr. and Mrs. Obama and yet they choose thing one. Why? I guess you're saying because it's going for the big splash in PR and sell a lot of magazines. Sigh. I guess I have to agree...The New Yorker used to have so much class.
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