Colorado's new Deadbeat Gambling Law, requiring that delinquent child support be deducted from casino winnings, is a jackpot for mom's who struggle to get 20 percent of navel lint out of their baby daddies. Scratch that - this is absolutely a victory for the kids!
Child support is always a touchy issue. Few things spark more vigorous debate in the corner barbershop then stories of a celebrity, an athlete or even the local baller being ordered to fork over huge child support payments. All you have to do is Google the details of Kimora Lee Simmons' recent settlement to see the mammoth buzz her $40,000 monthly child support check caused throughout the blogosphere.
I'm not hating on Kimora at all. I personally think making a peanut butter-and-jelly sandwich at 2 a.m. on a work night is worth $5k easy. But women and men probably will be forever split on how much is enough and how much is too much to pay to adequately support a child.
In my book, however, there is no debating that Colorado definitely deserves kudos for forcing deadbeat dads to ante up for the kiddies and providing much needed relief for the non-Kimoras within its borders.
Colorado's law went active on July 1. West Virginia is expected to launch the same law in about 90 days. My hope is that more states with flourishing casinos will follow suit. After all, no "father" should be able to win big while his children lose!
This Law serves all this dead beat donors right, Yes donors they don't deserve the title DAD. I am a proud father of a 3 1/2 year old who pays support not only financial but emotional as well.This should be implemented in all states. Kudos indeed to Colorado.
Sportsnut 2008
I am not sure what is on the minds of these guys. What part of parenting being 365 days, 7 days a week, and 24 hours a day dont they get. Maybe, they believe that the children eat air and are clothe with leaves from trees?
I might have to 'steal' this from you and add it to my 'only in Colorado' tags. This is a good idea...it's a shame that it had to get to this...but apparently it's necessary. Why would someone gamble with their children's lives?
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